Helpful Links
Coal Mine Animal Hospital is all about client education! We firmly believe that the more educated pet owners are, the better they are at caring for their pets. The following educational links have been hand-picked by our veterinarians, to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date pet care information available. Remember, these links are educational only and should not be used to replace professional veterinary care. If you have questions about your pet’s health, please call us and schedule an appointment with us.
Animal Rescue/Adoption Organizations:
- Angels with Paws (cats)
- Cat Care Society
- Dumb Friend’s League
- Evergreen Animal Protective League
- Ferret Dreams Rescue and Adoption (ferrets)
- Foothills Animal Shelter
- The Gabriel Foundation (birds)
- Humane Society of the South Platte Valley
- Intermountain Humane Society
- MaxFund
- Petfinder
- Rocky Mountain Lab Rescue
Veterinary Resources:
- Animal Poison Control
- American Animal Hospital Association
- American Veterinary Medical Association
- Companion Animal Parasite Counsel
- Healthy Pet, Healthy People from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Pet Insurance Information:
Pet Loss and Bereavement:
Animal Welfare organizations:
To report animal abuse or cruelty:
- Colorado Humane Society and SPCA
- Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office: 303-277-0211
If you have found an injured bird of prey: